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Decred (DCR) Mining Profitability Calculator

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Monthly Profit and Revenue Data

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MonthDifficultyCoin RevenueCumulative RevenueRevenue $Cumulative $CostsProfitCum. Profit
13.55 Ph/s
DCR Logo
7.437461 DCR
DCR Logo
7.437461 DCR
23.69 Ph/s
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7.151405 DCR
DCR Logo
14.588866 DCR
33.84 Ph/s
DCR Logo
6.876351 DCR
DCR Logo
21.465217 DCR
44.00 Ph/s
DCR Logo
6.611876 DCR
DCR Logo
28.077093 DCR
54.16 Ph/s
DCR Logo
6.357573 DCR
DCR Logo
34.434665 DCR
64.32 Ph/s
DCR Logo
6.113051 DCR
DCR Logo
40.547716 DCR